
Onagawa Fishery Products Local Wholesale Market

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  2. Works
  3. Onagawa Fishery Products Local Wholesale Market

Project Outline

Business owner Onagawa-cho
Location Onagawa-cho, Oshika-gun, Miyagi Prefecture
Building use Wholesale market
Total floor area Approximately 12,500m2
Structure S structure
Number of floors 4 floors above ground

Related Building Type

  • Public

    Since the Act on Promoting Quality Assurance in Public Works was amended in June 2014 allowing –public projects to adopt various ordering schemes, schemes such as the design & build and the ECI (Early Contract Involvement) are becoming increasingly popular. Meanwhile, as the number of technical engineers in local governments is decreasing, "guidelines for a pure construction management system in local government" were issued in September 2020 encouraging the engagement of the construction management system to promote complex and advanced projects. Separately, many local governments are in needs of planning and implementation of PRE management strategies for aging facilities that were built during the rapid economic growth period.

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  3. Onagawa Fishery Products Local Wholesale Market